Dado Rail Ideas Bedroom
Dado Rail Ideas Bedroom
Nina J(208)
24/11/2011 at 9:04 pm
my mum has a dado rail around her living room she has paint on the bottom and then wall paper with a pattern to compliment it and it works sorry i cant be much help
just to add i hate saying dado rail as it always reminds me of the time a friend of mine called it a dildo rail :lol::lol:
24/11/2011 at 10:25 pm
ha we had this predicament last year . we put one up years ago when they were in !
we used to have tow different colours dark on bottom lighter on top . but when we re decorated we painted the whole lot the same including the dado rail . to be fair i wish i had done it years ago looks good !!
13/01/2014 at 1:52 pm
Hi, I would like to decorate my bedroom, with a feature wall at the same end as my headboard - problem is, well not a problem, but an issue I suppose, we have a beautiful bed frame, a brushed pewter type effect with crystals placed in each corner and at various other locations, and if I use feature wallpaper the beauty of the frame will be lost in the pattern of the paper, so, I was thinking of adding a dado rail, but higher than the average height that I have seen them placed, then paper or dark paint at the bottom, with my feature wallpaper above. Any thoughts on this please?? The dado rail will probably be placed over half way up from the skirting, but not as much as 2 thirds of the way up, if you see what I mean, and its the height of the dado rail, rather than my choice of colour paper, that I cannot get right in my head. Any thoughts appreciated
(p.s - AlthoughI have a very large room to work with, due to positioning of window/radiator/ensuite door and wardrobes, I only have 1 wall to place the bed, and this is the best wall to make a feature of)
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